First, Fibonacci’s rabbit problem...
Suppose a newly-born pair of rabbits, one male, one female, are put in a field. Rabbits are able to mate at the age of one month so that at the end of its second month a female can produce another pair of rabbits. Suppose that our rabbits never die and that the female always produces one new pair (one male, one female) every month from the second month on. The puzzle that Fibonacci posed was...
How many pairs will there be in one year?
The sequence of rabbit pairs from one month to the next (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...) can be found all over in nature, so we explored the yard.
Pine fascicle with 3 needles
5 petals
8 petals
13 spirals
Then we tried our hand at spirals after looking at how Fibinacci’s numbers make a spiral.
We hung a paint bottle from the fan and spun away.
Our collective poem